Friday, September 29, 2006

(Humboldt County Childrens Photographer)

Colson and I went exploring today. We were looking for this old train tunnel that I heard about. We set off in the morning and it was soooooo foggy. You couldn't see 4 feet in front of you! Needless to say, I couldn't see/find the tunnel but we stopped at the tracks to play around. The weather was so crappy that I got a ton of grain and terrible clarity. Poor Colson had chicken skin the whole time. You can really see it in the close up of his bear. He was such a trooper though. There was a goat tied up near by that was keeping his interest- as was the pez that was hiding in his pocket! I will be going back here when the weather is better and playing around much more and hopefully getting some keepers.

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