Sunday, October 08, 2006

Poor Buddy.......(Humboldt County Childrens Photographer)

The kids and I went to a field to take some picts and get some energy out. I took them out of the car and let them run around while I grabbed my camera stuff. I started taking some pictures of Kenzie and when I called Colson over, I saw that his face was so swollen that his eyes were almost shut. He had some sort of reaction to whatever was in the field. I took him home and put him in a cool bath, but he didn't get back to normal until the next day. The whole shoot was kind of a bust anyway, the lighting was horrible and I was having major focus issues. It was one of those days that we all should of stayed in bed. I felt so bad about Cole that I had to buy him some treats to relieve my guilt. He picked Barbie and the 12 dancing princesses dvd- what a man!!

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