Thursday, September 17, 2009

Bear With Me...(Humboldt County Childrens Photographer)

I just wanted to post a few snapshots from our labor day weekend for my family.Miss Makenzie loves to tell people how she can do really big jumps on the wakeboard. What she doesn't tell people is that she has a little help!
My cousin "j' is a fantastic wakeboarder who can even pose in mid air!!

and jump over things
he also took the kids tubing where we dumped Makenzie....
"j" makes back flips look so easy

we have 2 old tubs at our cabin that over look the lake and I can't help but think of that erectile dysfunction commercial everytime my kids bathe in them...
Lots of client images to post in the next few days.....

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Humboldt County Newborn Photography
Humbodlt County Children's Photography
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Eureka, Fortuna, Ferndale, Southern Humboldt Photographer
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