Thursday, April 29, 2010

For You Stacey....(Humboldt County Children's Photographer)

So when I say we barely beat the weather, I mean by minutes. We had a full on monsoon before I even got back home from this session! Below is Sweet Sophia...the happiest baby I have EVER seen.
and then Jokester Jaron....he was so full of giggles
and finally Handsome Hunter. He was so well mannered and patient with me.
and I have to sneak one in of Marvelous Mom! She wasn't planning on being in any photographs but I snuck a couple while she was entertaining the baby. Great job on your fantastic family!

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Humboldt County Newborn Photography
Humbodlt County Children's Photography
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Eureka, Fortuna, Ferndale, Southern Humboldt Photographer
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