Wednesday, May 12, 2010

MEANT TO BE....( Humboldt County Children's Photography)

   So this  cute lil family was traveling to me to get their photographs done and I think we had to cancel 3 times due to our horrible winter weather. Finally they traveled here and brought the sunshine with them!! I think it was meant to be because everything worked out great in the end. It was a whopping 61 degrees here and everyone in our town was in shorts and tanks. Where the B family traveled from, it is normally in the 90's- 100's and so they thought we were all crazy!
Here is Miss H....who loved to play peek-a-boo..
and the super funny Mr. J who was so smiley and patient

Thanks for coming all the way here B family. You have sooooooo many photographs to choose from and I know you will love them as much as I do!

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