Monday, June 07, 2010

The longest post in history........(Humboldt County Photographer)

So I am finally posting pictures from our amazing trip. You will have to forgive my super long post but I took soooooooooo many photographs. My camera broke a total of 6 times I think while I was down there but I could get it to work 30 percent of the time and still ended up with 1600 pictures. The above picture was in Playa Del Carmen. It had the most AMAZING  beach. You could see the most beautiful clear water for miles and miles. It was about 15 minutes to the town from the resort we were staying in and the beach is just at the end of the main shopping street. We didn't bring any of our swim stuff otherwise we would have stayed at this beach all day long. Below is Kenzie's sand castle at our hotel and then Colson perfecting his cannon ball at the pool.

Here is Colson hangin by the pool. Our resort had 6 pools and so we would stay at the beach and play from 8 in the morning until around 1 and then we would try a different pool everyday int he afternoon. He is such a stud!

They had the best sand for sand castles. It was super fine and compacted perfectly. We probably made 30 while we were there!  

 Colson jumping the waves and my new favorite picture of Miss Kenzie


We did a day trip to go zip lining all day and then rented a lil John Deer gator to take a ride through the Jungle. The last zip line run ended through the waterfall and in the water. It was so much fun but I was heading in too fast and when I hit the water, my swim bottoms fell down to my knees. The man who was there to help unhook you at the end was laughing sooo hard that he could barely get me off the line.

Makenzie's mcktwist and then my favorite place to spend my mornings. The resort was running about 58 percent occupancy and it seemed like we were the only ones at whole place most of the time.        

 The first day we were there, there was some seaweed that was washing up and the kids loved having seaweed fights with it


We went on an underground river swim through the cenotes. I HATED this soooooo much. You couldn't see your feet and I was super spooked that something was going to grab me and pull me under. The water was super cold and the caves got darker and smaller and snaked and twisted for like 45 minutes. Not sure why my family was soooooo cooperative with the pictures...


for this zip line run, the kids got to go at the same time. You can't tell by the picture but they were waaaaaaaaay up high. You passed over alligators and other animals and were way above the tree canopy.


Kenzie read 2 full chapter books while we were there. She was in heaven just lounging and reading- two of her favorite things.


While Kenzie read, Mr C would spend all his time building sand castles and then destroying them and then diving through the waves


gotta love cute lil sandy feet 

Here was my other favorite place to hang out. They had 10 or 12 of these lining the beach for you to lay on. My only complaint is that the second you got comfortable, you fell right to sleep! It ould have been that Joaquin knew what I liked to drink and kept bringing them to me here all day long!


I was excited to get some neat sunset shots I had planned with the kids. Well it really threw me off that the sun rose over the ocean here instead of set over the ocean. I could not drag my kids out that early in the morning for nothing so here is my attempt at sunrise pictures.

after a seaweed fight...can you tell who won??


one of the pools...swim up bar to the right and then underwater lounge chairs built in the pool....can you say HEAVEN 

they put iguanas on their heads as well... 

no more seaweed washed up so Colson was forced to through sand at Miss K.

not quite as good as my sand castle but Brian made a good attempt

 Brian spent one day fishing and ended up with 4 fish total. This one was his biggest. I was hoping he was going to catch a huge Marlin or sail fish but in retrospect I am glad he didn't because i'm sure he would have wanted to ship it home and mount it in my house! Makenzie and Colson relaxing father in law said this looked like a Cealis commercial :)

here is Playa Del Carmen again and the beach at the end of the shopping street. soooo amazing


It was the best trip ever and there are sooo many more to share but I think that my clients would like to see their peeks that I promised them. I can't wait to go on another vacation but with fire season around the corner, I am sure we are going to have to wait until next year. Unless I go without Brian.....hhhhhmmmmmm

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