Friday, June 18, 2010

My way, Your way...(Humboldt County Children's Photographer)

 People often comment to me how cooperative my kids appear to be when it come to photographs. I laugh whenever I hear this because I know that it takes practically an act on congress to get both of my kids to even look my way when I take their pictures. I have found 2 things that work for me with my crazy maniacs. The first in bribery. My kids will do ANYTHING for sugar and so they will almost always get to pick out a treat when I am done with their mini session. The second thing is by far the most useful. We play a game called my way, your way. I get to set up a picture my way first and in return, they get to do a picture their way second. Their way is always crazy and insane and this too can produce some hilarious images but it also makes it really fun for them to take pictures and they are almost always still giggling from "their way" by the time it is "my way" again. I could post probably 500 images that make me bust out laughing from this game but I will post just some from earlier this week when I was testing out my light for my little girl session below. 




Ummmmmmm...definitely her way!! 

The funny thing is that I most often prefer "their way" photographs because it just reminds me of the real way my kids are. Miss Kenzie has started getting really interested in photography and has started suggesting different ideas and getting really creative. She got a camera for Christmas and has made many attemps at dog photography!!

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